Available Services

Parent Recovery Coaching

It’s vital that parents embark on their own path of recovery when parenting a child with substance abuse issues, whether the child is 16 or 30. Together, working one on one, you will learn how to jump start your own recovery process. You’ll learn how to recognize unhealthy thought and behavior patterns and how to change them to create a huge impact on your own inner peace and the wellness of all those around you.

Support Groups

Support Groups are an incredible way to dispel the shame and isolation that often accompanies addiction and stress. By hearing other people tell our own story with different details, we can begin to feel less alone and, when we meet people whom we come to respect, going through the same thing we are, our shame starts to dissipate and we can step out of shame and pity and into recovery. I offer support groups for parents of addicted children, siblings of addicts and other parenting related topics. Participation in support groups is free of charge. Contact me for registration information and schedule.

Executive Coaching

Our personal lives often spill over into our professional lives and when we are in crisis at home our work life is often hugely affected. When working with me, my clients learn how to take full responsibility for how they are showing up professionally and learn how to incorporate the principles of leadership and recovery to optimize both their enjoyment and success at work.

Life Coaching

Imagine creating a vision for what you want your life to look like moving forward. Then imagine developing the skills and habits to actually create that life! Whatever you envision, some form of it is possible. I can help you identify your inner most desires and teach you how to develop the tools and create an action plan to realize a future you only dreamed of. The past doesn’t matter. This is your starting point. Where do you want to go from here?


Addressing a parent body or large group and talking about topics like addiction, that are often taboo in polite conversation, provides an opportunity for people who may be facing these issues, to realize that they are not alone and that there is guidance and support available to them.